
Algorithmic Stablecoins. Algorithmic Stablecoins are variants of cryptocurrency​ that aim to improve price stability without having to back by reserve assets. These are instead based on an algorithm or a set of rules made to balance the supply and demand of the coin.

A fork. A fork happens whenever a community makes a change to the blockchain’s protocol or basic set of rules. When this happens, the chain splits — producing a second blockchain that shares all of its history with the original, but is headed off in a new direction. In EthPoW's case, this was during the Ethereum Merge on September 15th.

Proof of Work. This is used widely in cryptocurrency in order to validate transactions. It requires members of the network put in the effort to solve a difficult mathematical problem to prevent hacks in the system.

Proof of Stake.Created as an alternative for the Proof-of-Work that allows cryptocurrency owners to validate transactions based on the number of coins a validator stakes.

Annual Percentage Rate. The annual rate of return that your capital will gain in a year.

Annual Percentage Yield. The annual rate of return that your capital will gain taking into consideration compounding.

Auto-compounder. An auto-compounder is a protocol where you can stake your tokens or liquidity pairs and earn interest which you will see as APY​.

Blockchain: The technology running in the background of cryptocurrencies, including PoWTomb, that keeps everything decentralised. It is a digital form of record keeping.

Gas Token. The native/base coin of the blockchain

Compounding. It is the process of reinvesting your earnings in order to generate even bigger earnings.

Daily APR. Annual Percentage Rate divided by 365 days

DAO. Decentralised Autonomous Organization. An automated and decentralised organisation that needs no leadership team or board of directors to make decisions and enact policies. The community votes are weighted based on the number of tokens they carry.

Decentralised. The opposite of centralised -- this structure allows peer-to-peer orders, people dealing with each other directly, instead of having orders regulated by a single governing body.

DeFi. DeFi is a financial technology that uses blockchains to provide secure distributed ledgers. It removes the control of banks or other institutions on money and financial services.

Deflationary Token. A token goes into a deflationary phase and becomes a deflationary token when no new supply can be minted anymore as it hits its maximum supply. For $PoWShare, this will happen on xxx. When this happens, it is usually marked by an increase in token price as supply gets constrained as long as demand is stable.

Fiat money. Fiat money is a government-issued currency (ex: GBP, USD, EUR, etc).

Gas. Fees we pay for every transaction on the blockchain. In 2omb, the fees are paid in $FTM.

Impermanent loss. Impermanent loss happens when the price of your tokens changes compared to when you deposited them in the pool.

Minting. The process of creating new supply of tokens (also known as “printing money”) through smart contracts.

Smart Contract. It is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code

Stablecoin. This is a variant of cryptocurrencies that attempt to offer price stability and are backed by a reserve asset.

Staking. The process of locking in your tokens into the protocol in exchange for rewards. In the PoWTomb protocol Boardroom, the lock-in period is 12hrs.

TVL. Total Value Locked or the total amount in USD invested in the project.

Yield Farming. More than just holding your tokens and waiting for them to appreciate, yield farming involves staking or pairing and getting rewards

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